Sunday, March 20, 2011


1. What version of Illustrator are you using and what platform do you run it on (Mac or Windows)?

I'm using Illustrator CS5 for windows.

2. Of the colors listed below:

* Which is most commonly used for printed work?

CYMK is used for print work

* Which is most commonly used for web-related work?

RGB is used for web work

3. What's the difference between opening a graphic and placing one?

Placing a graphic allows you to import a graphic into an open drawing. Opening a graphic opens it as a new file.

4. How do you get the guidelines to appear? How would you use them?

The rules have to be visible for the guidelines to be used. You drag the guidelines out from the ruler itself.

5. What do you use to "nudge" your object?

Use the arrows to nudge objects.

6. How would you export your drawing as a raster graphic for use on the web?

First save your image for Web & Devices. Then choose your settings of size, speed, etc. then click OK.


* Draw a rectangle - it may be filled or unfilled, but give it a stroke outline.


* Once the rectangle has been created, leave it selected and visit each menu (File, Edit, etc) and see what options are available on those menus. Take a look at all the palettes that are available from the View and Windows menu options. Tell me:

1. Two options you find on the View menu.

1: Pixel Preview
2: Proof Colors

2. Three palettes you can open from the Window menu.

1: Color Guide
2: Layers
3: Navigator


Thursday, May 27, 2010


Ah here it is, my first official blog. My own little piece of cyber space heaven.

Blogging really isn't much my style, I must say. But as I get closer and closer to graduation from Animation Mentor, I've been doing more and more research on exactly how people get into this business. Obviously a large part of it is perseverance and applying at that one studio at just the right time. But I would have liked to read about the process from the point of view of the searcher, myself. Most blogs I have found start off fairly well, then start to skip weeks, months, and then parts of the whole process go missing. This isn't in any way a promise to post religiously at (what time is it?) er, 10:01 am every day. But I'll try to post everytime something related to job searching (and job getting? yes?) happens. Here's hopin'.

A side purpose of this blog is also to serve as a hub for my demo reel as at this time I lack the awesome web design skills and funds to kick start my own website. I'm working on buttering up a friend who's pretty decent at such things to design one for me, but as of yet he has proved a stubborn fellow. Expect to see the reel in a few days. I'm adding a few finishing touches (to this version anyway) and will be posting it shortly.

I think that's all that can be said as an intro to this little endeavor here. 'Til next time!